This unit of work lasted 4 week, or a whole day every week. It includes an overall map of the activities and a set of planning for the four weeks. The power point shows what we did and how it all came together at the end in a large display and a collection of handmade books. This unusual topic title, brought up some good opportunities to talk about tragedy through the Artworks, and the effect of design on the daily lives of us as humans.
This power point show the work of a group of children from two classes who studied William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement in a four days project. We considered wallpaper, fabric designs and printing repeating patterns. We also looked at how the Victorians used decoration and patterns on surfaces, including china ware. We designed and made our own individual sketchbook to show our ideas and design objectives, and to present the cultural thinking at the time of the Victorians.
These resources include a weekly planning sheet and a powerpoint to show ideas and techniques used for Artwork at Diwali. It shows the children's work making Diva lamps and Rangoli patterns.
This set of resources explores various ideas around Art work reflecting the seasons. It has a Art topic mapping document, a series of two lessons planning sheet, and a powerpoint showing children's work and the idea used in the lessons.
This is a working document to highlight and pinpoint what needs to be done , analysed and provided for the Art topics for the Primary school year. What is needed in one area, will also affect other aspects of the provision.
It is helpful to coordinate that whole vision for the immediate future and ensure excellent provision of Art skills and concepts.
This series of resources includes - Overview planning sheet, Sequence of 4 days planning and a power point of work examples. This work can also be linked to William Morris and the influence he had in Victorian taste and design. This project was researched and carried out by two year four classes, but could easily be translated into any age group. We tried to include as many Art skills as possible so that the children could have an enriched experience over the four day project.
This power point shows children's work around the theme of the Theatre. It includes backdrop ideas for a production and making props for the show. It also shows some ideas for a dramatic display, which could be used to introduce a topic and trigger discussion and ideas.
These giant vegetables were made by Nursery children, with some adult help.... We looked at pictures and decided to make the vegetables really big... They look great on display, but were quite fragile and not that good for play activities.
This film is showing ideas and techniques about how to make prints at home…
Art with what you’ve got…
Kind regards, Shirley Sides
a short film showing skills used in weaving. resources are found in our homes and don’t require specialist equipment or tools.
demonstrations and examples of work included.
see also
Switch Sides
This film shows how to use skills to make badges. it suggests ideas and encourages others to have their own ideas.
check out …
kind regards, Shirley Sides
This resource describes and demonstrates making and using props for an animated film.
It shows resources and how to make what you need to make films.
You will have to use your imagination and wait for ideas, as you think through your activity.
check out this website.
kind regards, Shirley Sides
this is demonstrations of skills used for close drawing and making a selection of minibeast designs. There is also guidance for making a scene about where they live.
Check out…
kind regards, Shirley Sides
This is a film to give ideas about making books at home, for your Artwork.
It should examples and how to use techniques to make books.
Art at home… Art with what you’ve got…
Kind regards, Shirley Sides
This resource includes a power point of Reception class Kites. It also includes a planning sheet for the activity.
There are instructions for making the kites.
This set of resources includes a four week planning sequence, a planning overview, a powerpoint of examples of Chinese artefacts that children have made, and a power point of a sketchbook produced as a response to Hong Kong. These provide the starting point for a topic, and a motivational an inspirational set of pictures.
This power point shares some ideas for stage backdrops for Christmas productions. There are two here, Oliver, which has a London theme, and the nativity story of the birth of Jesus Christ.
This power point celebrates the Art produced by children with this art company Art 4 Space. The painting on the wall provided shock waves at school, and precipitated talk and what constitutes a "good" display. It stayed up for 3 weeks, and was a talking point for the children and staff...
This set of resources include a four week planning sequence and power point of the dioramas that the children made. When all put together they made a vibrate display on a wall, and create an atmosphere evocative of the rainforest environment.